Code & Zoning Enforcement Department
The City of Sharon's Code Enforcement Department offers various services to our community, as well as maintaining duties to make Sharon a safe & appealing place to live, work and grow. Below you will find a list of the duties that the Code & Zoning offer in the City of Sharon.
Code Duties/Services:
- Any Code enforcement related question
- Inoperable vehicles without valid registration or inspection
- Codified Ordinances
- Building permits ( Swimming pools, fences, sheds, garages, home additions, home repairs, etc.)
- Building inspections
- Demolition permits
- Fire pits for cooking only questions
- Garage sale permits
- Garbage requirements
- High grass & weed violations
- Insect or rodent infestation questions
- Occupancy permits
- Recycling (metals, plastic, paper, cardboard)
- Recycling (TV's, computer's, cell phones)
- Reporting violations
- Swimming pool questions
- Vacant houses
- Vacant properties
- Volunteer & community support opportunities
Zone Duties/ Services:
- Reporting zoning violations
- Sign application & permits
- Zoning questions
- Zoning ordinances
- Zoning permits
- Zoning variances