General Information
City Clerk
Daphne Parrish
Phone Numbers
(724) 983-0217
Fax: (724) 983-3221
Emergencies: Dial 911
155 W Connelly Blvd

Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Sharon’s Home Rule Charter creates an environment for grass-roots involvement by business owners and citizens of all ages to participate in the vibrancy of the city. Hundreds of community leaders and citizens came together to create a pro-active strategic plan that has been driving the city’s revitalization efforts and continues to provide the compass for change. Hundreds more contribute their time, talents and treasure to making the city of Sharon a great place to live, work and grow.

For more information contact Daphne Parrish, City Clerk, at 724-983-0217 or

PUBLIC NOTICE Board Vacancies