Per Ordinance 19-19, as of January 1st, 2020, all contractors performing work in the city are required to be registered for licensure with the City of Sharon. This includes all work performed on commercial properties, any work produced through the public bidding process, some residential alterations, and all other types of work not considered “home improvement” by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ( see Act 132 Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act, adopted on October 17th, 2008). Upon submission of *all* of the required items to the City Manager’s office, a contractor’s license for the City of Sharon shall be issued, which is valid for the entirety or duration of the calendar year. These items must be re-submitted annually after December 15th to become re-certified each new calendar year, which begins January 1st. If you are working in the City of Sharon without the appropriate license, fines up to $1,000 per day will apply. If you receive a notice from The City of Sharon indicating that you are performing work without the appropriate license, you have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the letter to submit the required documents and obtain your license. Failure to comply within that time frame shall result in a doubling of the permit fee for that calendar year, as well as the applicable per day fines listed above.
The annual license fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per calendar year.
Registration or renewal application completed and signed by the contractor or an authorized representative of their company (attached).
License & Permit Bond in the amount of $10,000, with the City of Sharon named as the obligee, and containing both an authorized signature and a provision that the policy will not be cancelled without fifteen (15) days’ notice to the City of Sharon.
Certificate of Liability as a verification of coverage, showing minimum coverage limits of $50,000/$25,000.
The attached Worker’s Compensation form.
Below you will find the required forms:
Contractor Registration Packet